Books to read when you want to change your life

Books to read when you want to change your life

Books can truly change our lives
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Books are considered to be the gateways to our hearts and souls.

I know it sounds extremely cringeworthy. But ask any bibliophile and they will tell you the truth of this statement. Even if you aren’t a book-hoarding, 10-billion-books-in-the-Wishlist kind of person, there will always be that one book that will never fail you.

I remember my first ever book was Malgudi Days. Ah, I can never forget the smell of those fresh, crisp pages. That smell is what I associate with the word new now. I know, typical! But anyway. There are so many genres in the book world that it will leave you (and me) mind-boggled. 

So today I will bring you a fine selection of books that will change your life. It will make you question things you know and make you want to learn more and more about the world.

It will leave you a new person.

-The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho: This was a truly inspiring book. It follows the story of a shepherd boy who embarks on a journey to search for treasures. But his voyage takes a different turn, a better turn. In this story of being brave and following your dreams, the question remains: What will he find at the end of it?

Leadership Lessons from Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist"

-Life Of Pi, Yann Martel: Honestly, I haven’t watched the movie. Reason? I read the book. You’ll know what I mean once you read it too. Are you ready for a tale of intrigue and adventure, with a touch go madness and philosophy?

Book Review: Life of Pi by Yann Martel (The Book that Changed My ...

-The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck: It will take you on a journey of spirituality intertwined perfectly with psychology. In this book, Peck gives us four stages of development in the human soul on the path of self-realization.

The Road Less Traveled on Apple Books

-The Red Tent, Anita Diamant: This book is an attempt at describing the lives of the women during biblical times. From mothers to midwives, it touches the lives of all women. It is truly a feminist book.

The Red Tent by Anita Diamant | The Red Tent -- "… | Flickr

-Sophie’s World, Jostein Gaarder: A teenage girl is introduced to philosophy by a middle-aged philosopher. She then leaves for her journey to answer two important questions in her life: “who am I?” And “Where does the world come from?” You’ll think about it too once you finish this.

Free audiobook download: Sophie's World | Life and style ...

-The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Robin Sharma: It is a story that will make you more decisive about your life. Rather than depending on others, this book coaxes you to take the reigns of your life in your own hands. Do you dare to tap into your greatest abilities?

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari By Robin S. Sharma Book Review

-Veronica Decides To Die, Paulo Coelho:  You might be thinking why Paulo Coelho is here again? Because he is that good! Read to know what this book is really about. Hint: It will set you free.

Veronika Decides to Die: [ A Novel of Redemption ] |Paulo Coelho ...

-Midnight’s Children, Salman Rushdie: It is a tale of Independence. It takes you through the struggles that people face during the partition. 

Midnight's Children – a remarkable story about synchronicity ...

Well, I guess this is enough suggestions for now. Lifesavers are what these books really are!

Next time, I will bring to you more such interesting books to pass your time with!

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About the Author: Meghna Samal

Meghna Samal is a bibliophile, foodie and an otaku. Her room is her pastel-colored cave. Inside its walls lie her world of books, food, and anime.
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